
“我们打败了冬天,唤醒了妈妈!”熊大和熊二骄傲的说。"We beat winter and woke up mom," the two bears said proudly.

两只小熊从他们的洞穴里探头探脑的张望着世界。冬天终于过去了,春天新鲜的空气在他们鼻尖蔓延,冬眠了整整一个冬天,他们迫不及待的想冲出去玩耍了。Two little bears peeped out of their cave. Winter was over and they could smell the fresh spring air. It was time to get up and play after their long sleep.

“我们去树下捉迷藏吧”熊大说。“Let’s run under the trees,” said Ben.

“可是,我更想在草地上打滚儿,”熊二说。“I want to roll in the grass,” said Bessie.

“要不我们去问问妈妈吧”两只小熊异口同声地说。“We’d better ask mum,” said the bears together.

熊大和熊二回到了他们和妈妈一起居住的山洞。熊妈妈正在远处的角落里熟睡着。Ben and Bessie went into the cave where they had slept with their mum. There she was in the far corner. Mother bear was still fast asleep.


两只小熊蹑手蹑脚地走到妈妈身边,轻轻摇晃着她。The two little bears tiptoed over to their mum and shook her gently.

“醒醒,妈妈。雪已经融化了,我们该一起出去玩啦~”熊大说。“Wake up mum. The snow has melted and it is time to play,” said Ben.

可是,熊妈妈连动都没有动。她哼唧了一声,翻了个身,又继续她的美梦了。Mother bear did not even move. She grunted and rolled over to carry on sleeping.

“这可怎么办呀?”熊二问。“我们需要妈妈醒来带我们去森林里一起快乐的玩耍。”“What can we do?” asked Bessie. “We need our mother to wake up and take us into the forest to have some fun.”

两只小熊坐在山洞外,试图想办法叫醒妈妈。The two little bears sat outside the cave and tried to think of a way to wake up their mum.

“啊,我知道了,我们可以让会挠痒痒的蜘蛛先生帮忙,看看它们能不能帮我们叫醒妈妈,”熊大说。“I know, let’s get some tickly spiders and see if they will wake up our mother,” said Ben.

两只小熊去找了蜘蛛先生和他的朋友们,熊二有一点害怕蜘蛛先生他们,熊大把他们放在在一片大叶子上,然后把他们带到妈妈睡觉的地方。The two bears went to find some tickly spiders. Bessie was feeling a bit scared of the spiders but Ben collected them on a big leaf. He took them to where his mum was lying.

蜘蛛先生和他的朋友们慢慢地从树叶上走下来,爬过熊妈妈的背。熊妈妈在睡梦中咯咯地笑着,但她没有仍然醒来。The spiders walked off the leaf and across Mother bear’s back. Mother bear giggled in her sleep, but she did not wake up.

“或许,我想我们可以向布谷鸟小姐求助试着把妈妈吵醒,”熊二说。“I think we should ask a noisy cuckoo,” said Bessie.

两只小熊走到洞穴附近的树上,布谷鸟小姐正在树上唱歌。The bears went out to the trees near the cave. Sitting in the tree was a cuckoo.

“布谷,布谷,布谷,”布谷鸟小姐婉转地唱道。“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,” sang the bird.

两只小熊让布谷鸟跟着他们回到山洞,试图呼唤他们的妈妈。The two bears asked the cuckoo to follow them back to the cave and call out to their mom.

“布谷,布谷,布谷,”布谷鸟小姐大声地唱着,但妈妈只是翻了个身,又继续睡觉了。“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,” sang the bird but mom just rolled over and carried on sleeping.

两只小熊不知道该怎么办才好。他们已经试过了妈妈挠痒痒,发出很大的声音,呼唤妈妈,都没能把妈妈叫醒。The two little bears did not know what to do. They had tried tickling, making a loud noise and calling out to mum.

“啊,我知道了,”熊大说。“她最喜欢吃什么?”“I know,” said Ben. “What about something she likes to eat?”

“蜂蜜!”两只小熊异口同声地说。“Honey!” said the bears together.

说干就干,他们跑到一个蜂箱前。他们礼貌地与蜜蜂小姐商量,蜜蜂小姐爽快地赠送了他们一些蜂蜜。他们跑回山洞,蹑手蹑脚地走进去看看妈妈是不是会闻到蜂蜜的味道醒来。Off they ran to a beehive. They talked politely to the bees and the bees gave them some honey. They ran back to the cave and tiptoed in to see if their mum would smell the honey.

果不其然,妈妈的大棕熊鼻子开始抽搐。然后她的鼻子开始摆动,她睁开了一只眼睛,两只小熊又往后退了几步。Mum’s big brown bear nose began to twitch. Then her nose began to wiggle and she opened one eye. The baby bears took a few steps backwards.

熊妈妈仿佛睁了下两只眼睛,眨了眨。小熊又后退了几步。直到他们退到了洞口。熊妈妈坐了起来,又嗅了嗅。Mother bear opened both her eyes and blinked. The baby bears took a few more steps back. Now they were up at the opening of the cave. Mother bear sat up and gave a big sniff.

“我闻到了蜂蜜的味道,”她说。“I smell honey,” she said.

熊妈妈终于醒了。熊大和熊二高兴地转圈。Mother bear was awake at last. Ben and Bessie were so happy.

两只小熊又走出山洞几步,熊妈妈高兴地跟着他们一起走出来。终于,他们找到了叫醒妈妈的最好方法!The little bears took a few more steps out of the cave and happily mother bear followed them. At last, they had found the best way to wake up mum!


Three happy bears skipped into the forest to enjoy the spring and have fun together.

上一篇 2023年3月14日 下午5:46
下一篇 2023年3月14日 下午5:49


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